Saturday, October 15, 2011

Someone's at the door: An introduction

See my own artwork here.

Once upon a time, there was a vertically-challenged girl named Marissa who was absurdly proud of the rather extensive bookshelf occupying 90% of her bedroom. Her adoration for fantasy and horror fiction drove her to earn a degree in Environmental Writing for some reason.

 One day she decided using a blog  to sniff out other writers is probably the best idea, but it was mostly a good excuse to procrastinate on important homework assignments. And it also pacified a certain English professor.

She is also not sure why she is typing in third person. She promises to stop in the next sentence.

There's not too much to say about myself, so I'll keep it short (ha-ha).  I get very excited over bad horror movies, read literature of questionable merit and also over-analyze everything.  I curse a lot and am very ferocious, and if anyone tells you different they are a liar and probably killed your baby. I cannot tell a lie and am never sarcastic. Also my favorite characters always die. In EVERYTHING. EVERY TIME. I never get used to it and am always launched into a state of perpetual heartbreak.  This blog will witness me crying about that with alarming frequency, probably.

I enjoy spinning stories of my own, usually about paranormal themes or dark psychology, and I always end up terrifying myself senseless. It is the best fun ever. I’ll share some of them eventually.

Mostly I’m going to use this blog to post writing prompts and hope people toy with them somehow. Maybe you’ll write; maybe you’ll draw; maybe you’ll deface public property. It will please me either way, and if I like it enough then I'll feature your work.

Welcome to RailwayEquinox!

PS. Your first prompt is limping home.

P.P.S Tell me your favorite book in the comments section.

P.P.P.S. I'm going to post one or two images from per entry to liven up the blog and also promote some great artists.

By Bluefooted. Click the image for a bigger view.

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